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Species List

December 26, 2018 - December 26, 2019

  1. Black-bellied Whistling Duck (Altamaha WMA, GA, 6/2/19)

  2. Fulvous Whistling-Duck (Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, FL, 11/3/19)

  3. Snow Goose (Eagle Lake, TX, 12/15/19)

  4. Ross's Goose (Sonny Bono NWR, CA, 12/16/19)

  5. Greater White-fronted Goose (The Villages, fL, 11/3/19)

  6. Brant (Loop Road in Cape Ann, MA, 3/2/19)

  7. Canada Goose (Lake Ella, FL, 12/26/18)

  8. Mute Swan (Fort Snelling State Park, MN, 12/31/18)

  9. Trumpeter Swan (Fort Snelling State Park, MN, 12/31/18)

  10. Egyptian Goose (The Villages, FL, 11/3/19)

  11. Muscovy Duck (Lake Ella, FL, 12/25/19)

  12. Wood Duck (Roger's Bridge Park, GA, 1/19/19)

  13. Garganey (Salton Sea SRA, CA, 12/16/19)

  14. Blue-winged Teal (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  15. Cinnamon Teal (Sonny Bono NWR, CA, 12/16/19)

  16. Northern Shoveler (Lake Elberta Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  17. Gadwall (Roger's Bridge Park, GA, 1/19/19) 

  18. Falcated Duck (Potter Marsh, AK, 6/23/19)

  19. Eurasian Wigeon (San Diego River Tidal Flats, CA, 12/15/19)

  20. American Wigeon (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  21. Mallard (Canal Park, MN, 12/29/18)

  22. American Black Duck (Straitsmouth Cove in Cape Ann, MA, 3/2/19)

  23. Mottled Duck (Anahuac NWR, TX, 12/12/19)

  24. Northern Pintail (Edwin B. Forsyth NWR, NJ, 9/14/19)

  25. Green-winged Teal (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  26. Canvasback (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  27. Redhead (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  28. Ring-necked Duck (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  29. Greater Scaup (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  30. Lesser Scaup (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  31. Common Eider (Andrews Point in Cape Ann, MA, 3/2/19)

  32. Harlequin Duck (Halibut Point State Park, MA, 3/2/19)

  33. Surf Scoter (Halibut Point State Park, MA, 3/2/19)

  34. White-winged Scoter (Straitsmouth Cove in Cape Ann, MA, 3/2/19)

  35. Black Scoter (Parker River NWR, MA, 3/3/19)

  36. Long-tailed Duck (Parker River NWR, 3/3/19)

  37. Bufflehead (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  38. Common Goldeneye (Canal Park, MN, 12/29/18)

  39. Barrow's Goldeneye (Potter Marsh, AK, 6/23/19)

  40. Hooded Merganser (Roger's Bridge Trail, GA, 1/19/19)

  41. Common Merganser (Canal Park, MN, 12/29/18)

  42. Red-breasted Merganser (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  43. Ruddy Duck (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  44. Plain Chachalaca (Estero Llano Grande SP, TX, 12/14/19)

  45. Northern Bobwhite (Twin Rivers State Forest, FL, 5/19/19)

  46. Gambel's Quail (Dave Jasper Yard, AZ, 8/8/19)

  47. Montezuma Quail (Road 42 Near Pine Canyon Campground, AZ, 8/9/19)

  48. Indian Peafowl (Maritime Hammock Preserve, FL, 12/22/19)

  49. Spruce Grouse (Vagt Lake Trail, AK, 6/24/19)

  50. Wild Turkey (Fort Snelling State Park, MN, 12/31/18)

  51. American Flamingo (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  52. Least Grebe (Pollywog Ponds, TX, 12/13/19)

  53. Pied-billed Grebe (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  54. Horned Grebe (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  55. Red-necked Grebe (Potter Marsh, AK, 6/23/19)

  56. Eared Grebe (Tijuana Slough NWR, CA, 12/17/19)

  57. Western Grebe (McKay Road and 100th Avenue, CO, 8/11/19)

  58. Rock Pigeon (Canal Park, MN, 12/29/18)

  59. Eurasian Collared-Dove (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  60. Inca Dove (De Anza Trail-Tubac, AZ, 8/7/19)

  61. Common Ground-Dove (Twin Rivers State Forest, FL, 5/19/19)

  62. White-tipped Dove (Estero Llano Grande SP, TX, 12/14/19)

  63. White-winged Dove (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  64. Mourning Dove (Dauer Hall, University of Florida, FL, 1/26/19)

  65. Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Elinor-Klapp Phipps Park, FL, 5/12/19)

  66. Greater Roadrunner (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  67. Common Nighthawk (Highway 14 in Jefferson County, FL, 5/11/19)

  68. Common Pauraque (Estero Llano Grande SP, TX, 12/14/19)

  69. Common Poorwill (Molino Basin, AZ, 8/6/19)

  70. Chuck-will's widow (Highway 14 in Jefferson County, FL, 5/11/19)

  71. Buff-collared Nightjar (California Gulch, 8/7/19)

  72. Eastern Whip-poor-will (Spring Green Preserve, WI, 7/27/19)

  73. Chimney Swift (Heather's House, GA, 4/21/19)

  74. Vaux's Swift (Dauer Hall, University of Florida, FL, 1/26/19)

  75. Rivoli's Hummingbird (Paradise Feeders, AZ, 8/8/19)

  76. Blue-throated Hummingbird (Dave Jasper Yard, AZ, 8/8/19)

  77. Lucifer Hummingbird (Box Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  78. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Spring Green Preserve, WI, 7/27/19)

  79. Black-chinned Hummingbird (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  80. Anna's Hummingbird (Paton Hummingbird Center, AZ, 8/8/19)

  81. Costa's Hummingbird (Tamerisk Grove Campground, CA, 12/16/19)

  82. Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  83. Rufous Hummingbird (Ava's Place, AK, 6/24/19)

  84. Allen's Hummingbird (Tijuana Valley Regional Park, CA, 12/17/19)

  85. Broad-billed Hummingbird (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  86. Buff-bellied Hummingbird (Estero Llano Grande SP, TX, 12/14/19)

  87. Violet-crowned Hummingbird (Paton Hummingbird Center, AZ, 8/8/19)

  88. Clapper Rail (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  89. King Rail (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 7/7/19)

  90. Sora (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  91. Purple Gallinule (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  92. Common Gallinule (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  93. American Coot (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  94. Limpkin (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  95. Sandhill Crane (SW Williston Road Field, Gainesville, FL, 1/26/19)

  96. Black-necked Stilt (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  97. American Avocet (Willcox-Twin Lakes, AZ, 8/9/19)

  98. Black-bellied Plover (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  99. American Golden Plover (Milepost 13 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  100. Wilson's Plover (St. Marks NWR, FL, 3/24/19)

  101. Semipalmated Plover (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  102. Piping Plover (Montrose Point, IL, 7/26/19)

  103. Killdeer (Monticello Rd. South of Shade Dale, GA, 1/20/19)

  104. Whimbrel (Milepost 13 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  105. Long-billed Curlew (Willcox-Twin Lakes, AZ, 8/9/19)

  106. Hudsonian Godwit (Ton Knowles Coastal Trail, AK, 6/25/19)

  107. Marbled Godwit (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  108. Sanderling (Parker River NWR, MA, 3/3/19)

  109. Dunlin (St. Marks NWR, FL, 3/24/19)

  110. Ruddy Turnstone (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  111. Black Turnstone (Cabrillo NM, CA, 12/15/19)

  112. Stilt Sandpiper (Braswell Church Road, GA, 9/2/19)

  113. Purple Sandpiper (East Point Sanctuary, MA, 3/2/19)

  114. Baird's Sandpiper (Willcox-Twin Lakes, AZ, 8/9/19)

  115. Least Sandpiper (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  116. White-rumped Sandpiper (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  117. Pectoral Sandpiper (Willcox-Twin Lakes, AZ, 8/9/19)

  118. Semipalmated Sandpiper (Tram Road Holding Ponds, FL, 5/17/19)

  119. Western Sandpiper (St. Marks NWR, FL, 3/24/19)

  120. Short-billed Dowitcher (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  121. Long-billed Dowitcher (Sunset Lake Park, TX, 12/13/19)

  122. Wilson's Snipe (Milepost 17 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  123. Spotted Sandpiper (Lake Elberta Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  124. Solitary Sandpiper (Sourdough Campground, AK, 6/29/19)

  125. Lesser Yellowlegs (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  126. Willet (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  127. Greater Yellowlegs (Hooper Lane, NC, 4/20/19)

  128. Wilson's Phalarope (Willcox-Twin Lakes, AZ, 8/9/19)

  129. Red-necked Phalarope (Milepost 49 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  130. Long-tailed Jaeger (Milepost 32 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  131. Common Murre (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  132. Thick-billed Murre (Chiswell Islands, AK, 6/23/19)

  133. Pigeon Guillemot (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  134. Marbled Murrelet (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  135. Kittlitz's Murrelet (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  136. Parakeet Auklet (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  137. Rhinoceros Auklet (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  138. Horned Puffin (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  139. Tufted Puffin (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  140. Black-legged Kittiwake (Chiswell Islands, AK, 6/23/19)

  141. Bonaparte's Gull (Salton Sea SRA, CA, 12/16/19)

  142. Laughing Gull (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  143. Heermann's Gull (Cabrillo NM, CA, 12/15/19)

  144. Mew Gull (Spenard Road in Anchorage, AK, 6/23/19)

  145. Ring-billed Gull (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  146. Western Gull (Cabrillo NM, CA, 12/15/19)

  147. California Gull (Lindo Lake, CA, 12/17/19)

  148. Herring Gull (Canal Park, MN, 12/29/18)

  149. Lesser Black-backed Gull (Cape May State Park, NJ, 9/14/19)

  150. Glaucous-winged Gull (Resurrection Bay, AK, 6/23/19)

  151. Great Black-backed Gull (Breakwater Avenue in Cape Ann, MA, 3/2/19)

  152. Least Tern (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  153. Gull-billed Tern (Edwin B. Forsyth NWR, NJ, 9/14/19)

  154. Caspian Tern (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  155. Black Tern (Zeloski Marsh, WI, 7/27/19)

  156. Common Tern (St. Marks NWR, FL, 7/19/19)

  157. Arctic Tern (Potter Marsh, AK, 6/23/19)

  158. Forster's Tern (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  159. Royal Tern (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  160. Sandwich Tern (St. Marks NWR, FL, 8/1/19)

  161. Black Skimmer (Apalachicola, FL, 5/26/19)

  162. Red-throated Loon (Rockport, MA, 3/2/19)

  163. Pacific Loon (Conner Lake Dog Park, AK, 6/26/19)

  164. Common Loon (Breakwater Avenue in Cape Ann, MA, 3/2/19)

  165. Black-vented Shearwater (Point La Jolla, CA, 12/17/19)

  166. Wood Stork (Lake Elberta Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  167. Magnificent Frigatebird (Highway 60 Bridge West of Vero Beach, FL, 12/22/19)

  168. Brown Booby (Baytown Nature Center, TX, 12/12/19)

  169. Northern Gannet (Canaveral National Seashore, FL, 11/2/19)

  170. Brandt's Cormorant (Cabrillo NM, CA, 12/15/19)

  171. Neotropic Cormorant (Anahuac NWR, TX, 12/12/19)

  172. Double-crested Cormorant (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  173. Great Cormorant (Plum Cove Beach in Cape Ann, MA, 3/2/19)

  174. Red-faced Cormorant (Chiswell Islands, AK, 6/23/19)

  175. Pelagic Cormorant (Kenai Fjords National Park, AK, 6/23/19)

  176. Anhinga (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  177. American White Pelican (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  178. Brown Pelican (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  179. American Bittern (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  180. Least Bittern (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  181. Great Blue Heron (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  182. Great Egret (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  183. Snowy Egret (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  184. Little Blue Heron (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  185. Tricolored Heron (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  186. Reddish Egret (St. Marks NWR, FL, 6/13/19)

  187. Cattle Egret (St. Marks NWR, FL, 3/24/19)

  188. Green Heron (The Park at Flat Rock, NC, 4/20/19)

  189. Black-crowned Night Heron (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  190. Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Lake Miccosukee, FL, 6/10/19)

  191. White Ibis (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  192. Glossy Ibis (Paynes Prairie State Park, FL, 7/7/19)

  193. White-faced Ibis (Willcox-Twin Lakes, AZ, 8/9/19)

  194. Roseate Spoonbill (St. Marks NWR, FL, 2/16/19)

  195. Black Vulture (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  196. Turkey Vulture (Highway 27 East of Tallahassee, FL, 12/26/18)

  197. Osprey (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  198. White-tailed Kite (Highway 87 on Bolivar Peninsula, TX, 12/12/19)

  199. Swallow-tailed Kite (Highway 319 South of Crawfordville, FL, 3/24/19)

  200. Golden Eagle (Milepost 7 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  201. Snail Kite (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  202. Harris's Hawk (Hwy 77 South of Sarita, TX, 12/13/19)

  203. White-tailed Hawk (Laguna Atascosa NWR, TX, 12/13/19)

  204. Gray Hawk (Florida Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  205. Bald Eagle (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  206. Mississippi Kite (Intersection of Orange Ave. and Jim Lee Rd. in Tallahassee, FL, 5/11/19)

  207. Northern Harrier (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  208. Sharp-shinned Hawk (Edwin B. Forsyth NWR, NJ, 9/14/19)

  209. Cooper's Hawk (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  210. Red-shouldered Hawk (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  211. Broad-winged Hawk (Fred George Greenway, FL, 5/11/19)

  212. Swainson's Hawk (Florida Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  213. Red-tailed Hawk (Interstate 35 in St. Paul, MN, 12/31/18)

  214. Rough-legged Hawk (Highway 53 North of Twig, MN, 12/31/18)

  215. Barn Owl (Paynes Prairie State Park, FL, 7/7/19)

  216. Western Screech-Owl (Sunny Flat Campground, AZ, 8/8/19)

  217. Eastern Screech-Owl (Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, TX, 12/13/19)

  218. Great Horned Owl (St. Marks NWR, FL, 2/16/19)

  219. Snowy Owl (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/29/18)

  220. Northern Hawk Owl (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/31/18)

  221. Burrowing Owl (San Luis Pass, TX, 12/12/19)

  222. Barred Owl (Peter's House, FL, 1/26/19)

  223. Elegant Trogon (Sycamore Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  224. Belted Kingfisher (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  225. Red-headed Woodpecker (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  226. Acorn Woodpecker (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  227. Gila Woodpecker (Encanto Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  228. Golden-fronted Woodpecker (Laguna Atascosa NWR, TX, 12/13/19)

  229. Red-bellied Woodpecker (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  230. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Horse Creek WMA, GA, 2/10/19)

  231. Downy Woodpecker (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, FL, 12/26/18)

  232. Nuttall's Woodpecker (Lindo Lake, CA, 12/17/19)

  233. Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Paton Hummingbird Center, AZ, 8/8/19)

  234. Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Weymouth Woods State Park, NC, 6/1/19)

  235. Hairy Woodpecker (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/29/18)

  236. Arizona Woodpecker (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  237. Black-backed Woodpecker (Gunflint Trail, MN, 12/30/18)

  238. Northern Flicker (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  239. Pileated Woodpecker (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, FL, 12/26/18)

  240. Crested Caracara (Anahuac NWR, TX, 12/12/19)

  241. American Kestrel (Monticello Rd. South of Shady Dale, GA, 1/20/19)

  242. Merlin (Dobbins Farm, SC, 4/20/19)

  243. Peregrine Falcon (Crane Beach, MA, 3/2/19)

  244. Prairie Falcon (MP 13 On South Foothills Byway, CO, 8/11/19)

  245. Green Parakeet (10th and Trenton in Edinburg, TX, 12/14/19)

  246. Rosy-faced Lovebird (Encanto Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  247. Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Paton Hummingbird Center, AZ, 8/8/19)

  248. Ash-throated Flycatcher (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  249. Great Crested Flycatcher (Elinor-Klapp Phipps Park, FL, 5/12/19)

  250. Great Kiskadee (Rose Hill Memorial Park, TX, 12/13/19)

  251. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  252. Tropical Kingbird (St. Marks NWR, FL, 6/13/19)

  253. Couch's Kingbird (Rose Hill Memorial Park, TX, 12/13/19)

  254. Cassin's Kingbird (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  255. Thick-billed Kingbird (Patagonia Rest Area, AZ, 8/8/19)

  256. Western Kingbird (Florida Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  257. Eastern Kingbird (Bostwick Sod Farm, GA, 4/19/19)

  258. Gray Kingbird (St. George Island, FL, 5/26/19)

  259. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Keene Road, Apopka, FL, 11/3/19)

  260. Olive-sided Flycatcher (Sandy Hook, NJ, 9/15/19)

  261. Western Wood-Pewee (Kincaid Park, AK, 6/25/19)

  262. Eastern Wood-Pewee (Elinor-Klapp Phipps Park, FL, 5/12/19)

  263. Acadian Flycatcher (Elinor-Klapp Phipps Park, FL. 5/12/19)

  264. Alder Flycatcher (Trail River Campground, AK, 6/24/19)

  265. Willow Flycatcher (Zeloski Marsh, WI, 7/27/19)

  266. Dusky Flycatcher (Genesee Mountain Park, CO, 8/10/19)

  267. Cordilleran Flycatcher (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  268. Black Phoebe (De Anza Trail-Tumacacori, AZ, 8/7/19)

  269. Eastern Phoebe (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  270. Say's Phoebe (Sonny Bono NWR, CA, 12/16/19)

  271. Vermilion Flycatcher (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  272. Loggerhead Shrike (Watermelon Pond WEA, FL, 7/7/19)

  273. White-eyed Vireo (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  274. Bell's Vireo (Florida Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  275. Yellow-throated Vireo (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  276. Blue-headed Vireo (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  277. Warbling Vireo (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  278. Red-eyed Vireo (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 4/20/19)

  279. Canada Jay (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/30/18)

  280. Green Jay (Riviera School Pond, TX, 12/13/19)

  281. Steller's Jay (Lowell Point SRA, AK, 6/24/19)

  282. Blue Jay (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/31/18)

  283. Florida Scrub-Jay (Ocala NF, FL, 7/13/19)

  284. California Scrub-Jay (Stonewall Mine, CA, 12/16/19)

  285. Mexican Jay (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  286. Black-billed Magpie (Ted Stevens International Airport, AK, 6/23/19)

  287. American Crow (Exit 147 on Interstate 35, MN, 12/29/18)

  288. Northwestern Crow (Seward, AK, 6/23/19)

  289. Fish Crow (Intersection of HWY 319 and SR 267, FL, 3/24/19)

  290. Common Raven (Exit 147 on Interstate 35, MN, 12/29/18)

  291. Horned Lark (Bostwick Sod Farm, GA, 12/1/19)

  292. Purple Martin (Mashes Sands Beach, FL, 3/24/19)

  293. Tree Swallow (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  294. Violet-green Swallow (Ava's Place, AK, 6/24/19)

  295. Northern Rough-winged Swallow (Pinewild Dam, Pinehurst, NC, 6/1/19)

  296. Bank Swallow (Milepost 41 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  297. Cliff Swallow (Eureka Roadhouse, AK, 6/29/19)

  298. Barn Swallow (Bostwick Sod Farm, GA, 4/19/19)

  299. Carolina Chickadee (Peter Kleinhenz Yard, FL, 12/26/18)

  300. Black-capped Chickadee (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/29/18)

  301. Mountain Chickadee (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  302. Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Lowell Point SRA, AK, 6/24/19)

  303. Boreal Chickadee (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/31/18)

  304. Bridled Titmouse (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  305. Oak Titmouse (Stonewall Mine, CA, 12/16/19)

  306. Tufted Titmouse (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  307. Black-crested Titmouse (Estero Llano Grande SP, TX, 12/14/19)

  308. Verdin (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  309. Bushtit (Tijuana Valley Regional Park, CA, 12/17/19)

  310. Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/29/18)

  311. White-breasted Nuthatch (Fort Snelling State Park, MN, 12/31/18)

  312. Pygmy Nuthatch (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  313. Brown-headed Nuthatch (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, FL, 12/26/18)

  314. Brown Creeper (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/29/18)

  315. Rock Wren (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  316. Canyon Wren (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  317. House Wren (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  318. Pacific Wren (Chiswell Islands, AK, 6/23/19)

  319. Winter Wren (Sandy Creek Nature Center, GA, 11/10/19)

  320. Sedge Wren (Pine Dunes Forest Preserve, IL, 7/26/19)

  321. Marsh Wren (St. Marks NWR, FL, 7/19/19)

  322. Carolina Wren (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  323. Bewick's Wren (Paton Hummingbird Center, AZ, 8/8/19)

  324. Cactus Wren (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  325. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Lake Elberta Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  326. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  327. American Dipper (Milepost 0.25 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  328. Red-vented Bulbul (White Oak Park, TX, 12/12/19)

  329. Golden-crowned Kinglet (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  330. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, FL, 12/26/18)

  331. Arctic Warbler (Milepost 10 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  332. Eastern Bluebird (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, fL, 12/26/18)

  333. Western Bluebird (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  334. Mountain Bluebird (Genesee Mountain Park, CO, 8/10/19)

  335. Veery (Chattahoochee NRA-Cochran Shoals Unit, GA, 9/28/19)

  336. Swainson's Thrush (Arctic Valley Road, AK, 6/25/19)

  337. Hermit Thrush (Roger's Bridge Trail, GA, 1/19/19)

  338. Wood Thrush (Weymouth Woods State Park, NC, 6/1/19)

  339. American Robin (7th Street in St. Paul, MN, 12/31/18)

  340. Varied Thrush (Seward Hwy near Trail Pass Hatchery, AK, 6/23/19)

  341. Gray Catbird (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, 1/26/19)

  342. Curve-billed Thrasher (Laguna Atascosa NWR, TX, 12/13/19)

  343. Brown Thrasher (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  344. Long-billed Thrasher (Santa Ana NWR, TX, 12/14/19)

  345. Northern Mockingbird (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  346. European Starling (Halibut Point State Park, MA, 3/2/19)

  347. Cedar Waxwing (Piedmont NWR, GA, 1/20/19)

  348. Phainopepla (Box Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  349. Olive Warbler (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  350. House Sparrow (Canal Park, MN, 12/29/18)

  351. American Pipit (Summit Lakes, CO, 8/11/19)

  352. Evening Grosbeak (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/31/18)

  353. Pine Grosbeak (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/29/18)

  354. Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Summit Lakes, CO, 8/11/19)

  355. House Finch (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  356. Purple Finch (Laguna Meadows, CA, 12/16/19)

  357. Common Redpoll (Sax-Zim Bog, MN, 12/29/18)

  358. Red Crossbill (Rustler Park, AZ, 8/9/19)

  359. Pine Siskin (Ava's Place, AK, 6/24/19)

  360. Lesser Goldfinch (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  361. American Goldfinch (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  362. Olive Sparrow (Hazel Bazemore Park, TX, 12/13/19)

  363. Green-tailed Towhee (Genesee Mountain Park, CO, 8/10/19)

  364. Spotted Towhee (Carr Canyon-Reef Townsite Campground, AZ, 8/8/19)

  365. Eastern Towhee (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  366. Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Florida Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  367. Canyon Towhee (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  368. California Towhee (Tijuana Valley Regional Park, CA, 12/17/19)

  369. Abert's Towhee (Sonny Bono NWR, CA, 12/16/19)

  370. Rufous-winged Sparrow (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  371. Bachman's Sparrow (Twin Rivers State Forest, FL, 5/19/19)

  372. American Tree Sparrow (Milepost 10 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  373. Chipping Sparrow (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  374. Clay-colored Sparrow (Jersey Flats, WI, 7/28/19)

  375. Field Sparrow (Dobbins Farm, SC, 4/20/19)

  376. Vesper Sparrow (Anzalduas Park, TX, 12/14/19)

  377. Lark Sparrow (Spring Green Preserve, WI, 7/27/19)

  378. Black-throated Sparrow (Dave Jasper Yard, AZ, 8/8/19)

  379. Bell's Sparrow (Mesquite Bosque, CA, 12/16/19)

  380. Lark Bunting (McKay Road and 100th Ave., CO, 8/11/19)

  381. Savannah Sparrow (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  382. Grasshopper Sparrow (Spring Green Preserve, WI, 7/27/19)

  383. Henslow's Sparrow (Schurch-Thomson Prairie, WI, 7/27/19)

  384. Seaside Sparrow (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  385. Nelson's Sparrow (Big Talbot Island SP, FL, 12/23/19)

  386. Saltmarsh Sparrow (Big Talbot Island SP, FL, 12/23/19)

  387. Fox Sparrow (Roger's Bridge Trail, GA, 1/19/19)

  388. Song Sparrow (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  389. Lincoln's Sparrow (Potter Marsh, AK, 6/25/19)

  390. Swamp Sparrow (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  391. White-throated Sparrow (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  392. White-crowned Sparrow (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  393. Golden-crowned Sparrow (Palmer Creek Road, AK, 6/24/19)

  394. Dark-eyed Junco (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 1/2/19)

  395. Yellow-eyed Junco (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  396. Yellow-breasted Chat (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  397. Yellow-headed Blackbird (Progreso Lakes Grain Silos, TX, 12/14/19)

  398. Bobolink (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  399. Eastern Meadowlark (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  400. Western Meadowlark (McKay Road and 100th Ave., CO, 8/11/19)

  401. Orchard Oriole (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  402. Altamira Oriole (Estero Llano Grande SP, TX, 12/14/19)

  403. Red-winged Blackbird (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  404. Bronzed Cowbird (Progreso Lakes Grain Silos, TX, 12/14/19)

  405. Brown-headed Cowbird (Dobbins Farm, SC, 4/20/19)

  406. Rusty Blackbird (Lake Henrietta Park, FL, 1/27/19)

  407. Brewer's Blackbird (Salton Sea SRA, CA, 12/16/19)

  408. Common Grackle (Lake Henrietta, FL, 1/27/19)

  409. Boat-tailed Grackle (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  410. Great-tailed Grackle (Encanto Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  411. Ovenbird (Weymouth Woods State Park, NC, 6/1/19)

  412. Worm-eating Warbler (Higbee Beach WMA, NJ, 9/14/19)

  413. Louisiana Waterthrush (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 4/20/19)

  414. Northern Waterthrush (William J. Fernandez Fish Hatchery, AK, 6/28/19)

  415. Black-and-white Warbler (Lake Talquin State Forest, FL, 1/27/19)

  416. Prothonotary Warbler (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  417. Swainson's Warbler (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, FL, 6/5/19)

  418. Tennessee Warbler (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 9/29/19)

  419. Orange-crowned Warbler (Vagt Lake Trail, AK, 6/24/19)

  420. Mourning Warbler (Parnell Tower Trail, WI, 7/28/19)

  421. Common Yellowthroat (Sweetwater Wetlands Park, FL, 1/26/19)

  422. Hooded Warbler (Sandy Creek Nature Center, GA, 4/21/19)

  423. American Redstart (Higbee Beach WMA, NJ, 9/14/19)

  424. Cape May Warbler (Cumberland Island, GA, 10/13/19)

  425. Cerulean Warbler (Walker Cove Research Area, NC, 4/21/19)

  426. Northern Parula (Lost Creek Forest, GA, 3/23/19)

  427. Magnolia Warbler (Sandy Hook, NJ, 9/15/19)

  428. Blackburnian Warbler (Black Creek Park, FL, 10/12/19)

  429. Yellow Warbler (Lowell Point SRA, AK, 6/24/19)

  430. Chestnut-sided Warbler (Graveyard Fields, NC, 9/1/19)

  431. Blackpoll Warbler (Milepost 49 on Denali Highway, AK, 6/29/19)

  432. Black-throated Blue Warbler (Courthouse Falls, NC, 9/1/19)

  433. Palm Warbler (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, FL, 12/26/18)

  434. Pine Warbler (Roger's Bridge Trail, GA, 1/19/19)

  435. Yellow-rumped Warbler (St. Marks NWR, FL, 12/26/18)

  436. Yellow-throated Warbler (St. Marks NWR, FL, 5/18/19)

  437. Prairie Warbler (Bunched Arrowhead Heritage Preserve, SC, 4/20/19)

  438. Black-throated Gray Warbler (Carr Canyon-Reef Townsite Campground, AZ, 8/8/19)

  439. Townsend's Warbler (Lowell Point SRA, AK, 6/24/19)

  440. Hermit Warbler (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  441. Black-throated Green Warbler (Walker Cove Research Area, NC, 4/21/19)

  442. Canada Warbler (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 9/29/19)

  443. Wilson's Warbler (Lowell Point SSRA, AK, 6/24/19)

  444. Red-faced Warbler (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  445. Painted Redstart (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  446. Hepatic Tanager (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  447. Summer Tanager (Athens Botanical Garden, GA, 4/20/19)

  448. Scarlet Tanager (Pine Dunes Forest Preserve, IL, 7/26/19)

  449. Western Tanager (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  450. Northern Cardinal (L. Kirk Edwards WEA, fL, 12/26/18)

  451. Pyrrhuloxia (Dave Jasper Yard, AZ, 8/8/19)

  452. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Clarke County Landfill, GA, 9/28/19)

  453. Black-headed Grosbeak (Mt. Lemmon, AZ, 8/6/19)

  454. Blue Grosbeak (Catalina State Park, AZ, 8/6/19)

  455. Lazuli Bunting (De Anza Trail-Tumacacori, AZ, 8/7/19)

  456. Indigo Bunting (Fred George Greenway, FL, 5/11/19)

  457. Varied Bunting (Madera Canyon, AZ, 8/7/19)

  458. Painted Bunting (Santee NWR-Bluff Unit, SC, 6/2/19)

Species List: Welcome
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